5 Guaranteed Ways to Boost Your Energy While Reducing Your Pain

5 Guaranteed Ways to Boost Your Energy While Reducing Your Pain


If you suffer from pain, you understand how limiting it can be. Fortunately, there are some simple lifestyle changes you can make to reduce your pain while increasing your energy.

When you take these actions in addition to your physical therapy treatments, you can help yourself recover from pain and achieve the physical goals you’ve set for yourself. Contact Cornerstone Physical Therapy today to learn more about how we can help you increase your energy and decrease your pain.

5 steps to take towards a healthier life

1. Eat a well-balanced, energy-boosting diet.

The food you eat provides you with energy throughout the day. Certain foods can provide you with more fuel while also alleviating pain. Here are a few examples:

  • Cherries. Cherries are high in antioxidants, which can help with pain and inflammation.
  • Salmon. Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids, which aid in the relief of neck, back, and joint pain.
  • Hot peppers. This spicy treat is said to relieve arthritis pain. Even if you’re not a fan of the spice, a half-teaspoon serving may provide some relief.
  • Ginger. The ginger plant has traditionally been used to treat migraine pain, as well as muscle aches and nausea. It is commonly used as a spice and can be easily sprinkled on top of a meal.

2. Focus on increasing your endorphins.

When you exercise, your body produces endorphins, which are feel-good chemicals that act as natural pain relievers. When you have aches and pains, it may seem difficult to exercise, but even light movement can provide much-needed relief. You can also increase endorphins through simple actions like smelling a relaxing lavender scent, listening to music, or even eating chocolate. Win/win!

3. Get enough sleep.

Did you know that you spend roughly one-third of your life sleeping? As a result, it is critical to ensure that your mattress is suitable for you. The mattress you sleep on can have an impact on how your body feels when you wake up. Because everyone sleeps differently, it is recommended that you select a mattress based on your sleeping style:

  • Soft mattress. This gentler option is better for side sleepers.
  • Memory foam. If you toss and turn all night or switch positions frequently, memory foam may be for you. It may help you stay put because it conforms to the shape of your body.
  • Firm mattress. This option is best for those who sleep on their backs.

4. De-stress.

You are likely aware of the mental toll that stress can take, but did you know it can also exaggerate physical pain? As a result, it is critical to keep some stress-relieving techniques on hand for when you need them. A warm bath is an excellent way to relieve stress while also soothing aching muscles or joints. Breathing techniques can also aid in relaxation by calming both the mind and the body. A simple way to do this is to take two or three deep breaths, each time releasing them slowly through your nose.

5. Seek the assistance of a physical therapist.

At Cornerstone Physical Therapy, we offer a variety of treatment options to help you feel better and have more energy. We will locate the origin of your pain so that we can treat it at its source, providing you with long-term relief. Some of the most common methods we use for pain relief are as follows:

  • Ultrasound. Ultrasound generates sound waves that can help to block pain signals to the brain.
  • Therapeutic massage. A physical therapist is highly educated on anatomy and the way the components of our bodies interact. Through massage, he or she can manipulate your painful muscles and joints to reduce inflammation and provide relief.
  • Ice and heat therapies. Heat causes the muscles and tendons to warm up, making movement easier and less painful. Ice works to reduce inflammation while also providing pain relief.
  • Aquatic therapy. Water has the ability to stimulate nerves while also providing resistance for exercise and strength training. It allows for more fluid movement, which can reduce stress on your body.

Ready to begin living a healthier life? Contact Cornerstone Physical Therapy today!

By incorporating these suggestions into your daily routine, you should notice an increase in energy as well as a decrease in pain. Please do not hesitate to contact our office if you require additional assistance. We can help you start living healthier today.
