Kick The Pain Meds To The Curb: How Physical Therapy Can Provide Relief

Kick The Pain Meds To The Curb: How Physical Therapy Can Provide Relief

Kick The Pain Meds To The Curb: How Physical Therapy Can Provide Relief

People struggling with chronic pain are affected in different ways. Take a moment to think about how your chronic pain affects you. Does it cause you to have a hard time getting out of bed or climbing stairs? Maybe you find yourself feeling stressed, distracted, and depressed at work.

You might wake up in the middle of the night or struggle to fall asleep because of pain. If you’re like many of the 50 million Americans dealing with chronic pain, you may even struggle with something as simple as getting dressed. Having to deal with chronic pain can lower your quality of life faster than you think.

There is a solution, however. Decades of research show physical therapy is a safe and effective way to alleviate pain and improve function for people living with conditions like arthritis, fibromyalgia, degenerative disc disease, and more. Our physical therapist team urges you not to despair in the face of chronic pain. Contact our clinic today to learn more about how we can help diminish your chronic pain symptoms — without using harmful medications.

The problem with prescription medication

If you haven’t already heard, there’s an opioid epidemic going on in our nation right now. Pain-relieving drugs are among the most popular (and profitable) types of medications within the pharmaceutical industry. Sometimes, medications are appropriate in a comprehensive pain management plan, however, the overuse of pain medications is creating significant problems for many Americans.

Take for example, over-the-counter medicines such as ibuprofen. These can cause potentially serious side effects including liver damage—especially if they are taken chronically. Unfortunately, a lot of people lean on these kinds of medications for relief because they work quickly, however, they’re simply a band-aid covering up a more serious condition.

Prescription medications like opioids are highly addictive, which increases a person’s risk for drug dependency, tolerance, withdrawal, overdose, and abuse. The problem with opioid medications is so severe in our country that it has been declared by some health officials as an epidemic. For instance, at least 130 Americans die every day of an overdose on prescription or illicit opioids including hydrocodone, oxycodone, heroin, and fentanyl.

Both over-the-counter and prescription pain medications can also come with several negative side effects. These include nausea, vomiting, constipation, and dizziness —signs and symptoms which can be just as disruptive as the original pain condition!

The good news? Many individuals are able to decrease or eliminate their pain without the use of medication, by beginning a customized physical therapy treatment program.

How can physical therapy provide pain relief?

If you are fed up with drugs that are costly, ineffective, and problematic—or wary of the drugs’ addictive qualities—you may want to consider turning to physical therapy as a way to improve your pain and get to the root cause of your condition.

Here are just a few things a physical therapist can do for you if you’re thinking of making a change:

  • Education about at-home pain relief strategies like deep breathing, visualization, and body mechanics training so you can feel more in control of your pain and avoid making the issue worsen.
  • Education about the mechanism of pain, so you have a better understanding of the neurological, psychological, and physical elements of your condition.
  • Corrective exercises and stretches that increase strength, endurance, mobility, and postural awareness—all of which can correct underlying factors contributing to your pain.
  • Manual therapies like joint mobilizations and massage to improve circulation and alleviate stress and pain.
  • Non-invasive pain modalities like electrical stimulation and cold laser therapy, to trigger healing at a cellular level, reduce inflammation, and alleviate physical and mental tension.

A physical therapist is able to help you relieve, resolve, and understand your pain. They can help you regain control of your health and support you as you make lifestyle changes that promote a healthier, stronger, leaner, and more comfortable body.

Some people falsely believe that physical therapy is only useful for people after they undergo an extensive operation. Physical therapy can benefit people of all ages and backgrounds. At your first physical therapy appointment, your therapist will do a complete assessment of your condition, ask you questions about your medical history, and find the underlying cause of your pain through diagnostic tests. From there, a customized treatment plan will be created to address your condition!

Are you ready to learn more about the benefits of PT?

Unlike pain medications, the goal of physical therapy treatment isn’t just to mask your pain. Our physical therapist staff is here to offer a solution to your pain and help you get back to living a more fulfilling, happy life. Contact our clinic today to learn more about the benefits of physical therapy, and kick your pain medications once and for all.
