If You Have Arthritis, You’re Not Alone

If You Have Arthritis, You’re Not Alone

If You Have Arthritis, You're Not Alone

Physical Therapy Can Help You Find the Relief You’ve Been Looking For

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), almost a quarter of all American adults are living with arthritis! This means that every day, over 54 million people live with stiff, achy, swollen, and sore joints.

If you or a loved one has been affected by arthritis in your neck, back, shoulders, wrist, hip, knee, or other joint, we encourage you to call our clinic today to schedule a consultation.

The CDC recognizes that physical therapy is one of the most effective “first line” treatments for arthritis pain. Keep reading to find out how we can help you!

Are you in need of joint replacement surgery?

Joint replacement surgery may be on the horizon for some people with arthritis. Sometimes this more invasive solution is the right “last resort” option for restoring function and alleviating discomfort, especially if other conservative treatments have been exhausted.

If this is the case for you, be aware that physical therapy is actually considered an essential component of postoperative recovery and is often prescribed by orthopedic surgeons. In addition to guiding you through recovery exercises throughout your healing stages, a physical therapist can also teach you how to follow any limitations or precautions prescribed by your surgeon.

We invite you to think about us if you’re preparing for or recovering from a joint replacement surgery so that you can make sure your outcomes turn out well!

5 reasons you should turn to physical therapy for arthritis relief

A physical therapist can help you control and alleviate your arthritis joint pain without using drugs. By maximizing your joint health through the following techniques, physical therapy may even help you avoid surgery, such as a total knee replacement or total hip replacement.

Here are the top five things your physical therapist can do for you or your loved one with arthritis:

1. Patient Education

By increasing your awareness about anatomy, pain, body mechanics, posture, ergonomics, and other relevant information, a physical therapist can help you gain a better understanding of your experience and what you can do (or avoid) to improve your comfort and quality of life.

2. Non-Invasive Pain-Relief Modalities

Our physical therapy team uses a range of non-invasive modalities that can enhance the healing effects of exercise and manual therapy techniques.

These may include:

  • Dry needling
  • Therapeutic ultrasound
  • Kinesiotaping
  • Cold laser therapy
  • Cold or hot therapy, including cold packs or paraffin wax
  • Electrical stimulation, including TENS

3. Prescription and Fitting of Adaptive Equipment

Sometimes, a piece of adaptive equipment or other home modification device is necessary to compensate for functional limitations caused by your arthritis and keep you safer as you move about your day. But while adaptive devices can be incredibly cost-effective, it’s not useful to have more than what you need, or to not know how to use it properly.

A physical therapist can introduce you to a variety of adaptive devices that will be the most beneficial for your daily life. We can also make sure you know how to use it correctly and adjust any device to ensure it fits you properly. Devices may include custom orthoses, braces, splints, walkers, crutches, canes, bed canes, long-handled sponges or reachers, benches, and more.

4. Therapeutic Exercises and Stretches

Exercise is a central element to any successful physical therapy program, and especially for someone being treated for arthritis. But how are you supposed to exercise if you’re in constant pain?

While concurrently addressing your pain through other techniques, a physical therapist can teach you exercises and stretches that are a good match to your current ability. Physical therapy exercises are designed explicitly to address your needs, whether that’s to heal tissues, reduce pain and inflammation, increase strength, improve range of motion, reduce abnormal tension on an affected joint, or all of the above.

Your physical therapist can also show you how to adjust or progress a home exercise program and make real-time modifications to help you feel more successful and safe.

Keep in mind that aerobic exercise like walking, swimming, or cycling is considered one of the most effective non-pharmaceutical approaches to alleviating arthritis pain. Let your physical therapist teach you how to safely implement more aerobic exercise into your daily life so that you can get the most out of this beneficial activity.

5. Joint Mobilizations and Other Manual Techniques

Arthritis is defined as chronic inflammation and joint cartilage damage that can lead to painful bone on bone contact. Physical therapy joint mobilizations can alleviate the pain caused by this damage and improve joint alignment and mechanics for longer-lasting relief.

Your physical therapist may also prescribe other manual techniques like soft tissue massage and mobilization, or even instruct you in self-myofascial release exercises to ease muscle tension, break up painful scar tissue, and boost healing circulation.

Discover how to manage your arthritis today

Don’t let arthritis pain get you down every day anymore. Our physical therapy team can provide innovative, research-based, and individualized services to ease your pain and help you achieve the things that matter to you.

Please contact Cornerstone Physical Therapy today to schedule your initial appointment!
